Zen space in modern life

“Zazen is your home.”
Kyudo Nakagawa Roshi

Zenspace grew organically over the years under the influence of eminent teachers which shaped its current form. Modern life presents constant challenges: it is not easy to find out our place in the Universe.  And to find joy and contentment in simply being alive.

A sustained meditation practice – zazen – focuses the mind. It leads  to achieve concentration, clarity of mind and decisiveness in action. Sitting practice is complemented by dynamical meditation, work-oriented as summed up in the Japanese word ‘narikiru’. Loosely, this word means to become one with an activity.  Being fully present at the given moment, and cut off distractions. This is in accordance with Rinzai Zen ethos where every moment is lived as it comes.

This is the basis for more advanced practice – to find out our place in the Universe and interconnectedness of all sentient beings.  We call it ‘Zen space’ reached through kensho (or satori). In this quest we are guided by compassionate wisdom, symbolised by Kannon Bodhisattva, the Awakening One.  Formal Zen training can help to become enlightened, and to effortlessly help others.

For details of forthcoming events see Calendar.

Early autumn break from 21 September to 10 October 2024.

see Events/Calendar

Informal meditation in Kannon An, Wolvercote, Oxford OX2 Wednesday mornings 7.15 – 8.05 am via Zoom. Free.

Foundations of Zen practice  Thursday evenings, 6.15 – 8 pm, blended, in person and via Zoom.

Ring or email jikai7@pm.me for a link.

come to one of our retreats!

Donate to Zenspace

To give and to receive with gratitude

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